ACCESS for English Language Learners (ACCESS)

Assessing Comprehension & Communication in English State-to-State (ACCESS) is a collection of tests created by World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA). ACCESS testing occurs for grades K-12 in listening, reading, speaking, and writing. The standards-based, criterion-referenced test measures English learner's social and academic proficiency in English. ACCESS meets the federal requirement for states to evaluate English learners on their progress in learning to speak English. Students take the test once a year.
Rome City Schools administers the ACCESS assessment to students in grades K-12 in January/February. The ACCESS assessment is an assessment for language proficiency in that teachers use the data to determine a student’s present English language proficiency levels and provides information to enhance that student’s learning and language development.
Additional information may be found on the GaDOE website or the WIDA website.