Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) is a computer-adaptive test created by the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA). MAP testing occurs for grades K-2 in reading and math and for grades 3-8 in reading, language arts, and math. Computer-adaptive testing adjusts to each student’s testing performance level measuring what a student knows, regardless of grade level. When testing begins, the first question is an on-grade level question. If the student answers the question correctly, the next question is more difficult, and if the student answers incorrectly, the next question is less difficult. The test progresses in this manner to determine a student’s academic achievement level – a RIT score. Students take MAP two to three times throughout the school year, and using a student’s RIT scores, teachers can determine a student’s academic MAP growth not only throughout the school year but also across multiple school years.
Rome City Schools administers the MAP assessment to students in Kindergarten at the middle and end of a school year and students in grades 1-8 at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year. The MAP assessment is an assessment for learning in that teachers use the data to determine a student’s present achievement level, present growth (improvement), and next steps to take in the learning continuum.
Additional information may be found on the NWEA ~ MAP website. https://www.nwea.org/parent-toolkit/